Localization is the second phase of a larger process of product translation and cultural adaptation for specific countries, regions, or groups to account for differences in distinct markets.
When we localize a product, in addition to an idiomatic language translation, we take into consideration important details such as time zones, local currencies, national holidays, suitable images for that particular market, local colour sensitivities, the viability of product or service names, gender roles and other geographical factors.
Localization is your key for globalization!!!
Competing in the international market needs your product to be a part of the country’s culture, language and public flair, and that’s what AMTC typically do. We localize your product making it linguistically and culturally appropriate to the target locale by adapting, translating, software localization, multilingual Desktop Publishing “DTP”, customizing and testing your product just to fit its new market.
Localizing products and services requires intimate knowledge of the target market so that images, brand names, etc. conform to local tastes and are not contentious, ensuring immediate acceptance of a product or service, and this is where our combined experience will ensure your product or service is an immediate success.
Currently we provide translation in all Middle Eastern and African Languages. As an industry leader for many years in the localization market, AMTC celebrates a record portfolio of Arabization and Africanization projects. Simply put: no other company understands the term “Arabization” and “Africanization” as well as we do. We know that it’s not just about translating but rather it’s the comprehensive process of turning a foreign product into one that successfully appeals to an Arab or African market.

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